Nixies of OakPool
by The Electric Sunshine Project CIC
“If you haven’t seen a Nixie before (which is not so surprising because these days,
sightings are very, very rare indeed) they are awfully difficult to describe.
A brand new story which has been commissioned by Blackpool Council Arts
Service to be performed alongside the Save Our Stories Rescue Ship for
young people at events and festivals in the Blackpool area and beyond.
This interactive story uses animation, puppetry, lights and music to retell how the
illuminations really came about! How years ago, a magical oak forest inhabited by
multi-coloured Nixies was destroyed by humans and how each year we try to entice
them back, but nothing quite compares to a Nixie light show!
The piece lasts around 20 minutes and is preceded by a short mask-making
workshop that is designed to help children (and adults) to join in with the
storytelling. Contact SOS to book the show or to find out more.