Saving Stories at Old Trafford Library

Tales of derring-do with reformed pirate Zanzibar Zoe
POSTED IN Children,
Old Trafford Library Manchester M16 9AX, United Kingdom

Zanzibar Zoe was a nasty old pirate when Save Our Stories first encountered her. She was a dedicated destroyer of stories, and quite a dab hand with a cutlass. In a strange twist of fate Zoe’s life was saved by stories and she now repays her debt by boarding the S.O.S RescueShip and helping us on StorySaving missions.

Zoe travelled through time and space all the way from the 17th century and somehow ended up at Old Trafford Library. Here she told eager StorySavers tales of her life, and why stories are now so treasured by her. They discovered stories of magic, peril, and a heroic octopus.

Our new StorySavers gathered in the RescueShip; here Zoe revealed all the wonders contained within her pirates treasure chest. Overflowing with doubloons, silver, precious jewels, and other magical items. Each item contained a story and the StorySavers helped save each and every one.

It was a fantastic experience to be both part of the opening weekend of this beautiful new library, and to  take part in their Fun Palaces activities.